Settlers of Quétaine: Why Do People Hate Céline Dion?


Throughout the 90's, very few pop artists had a run as impressive as Céline Dion: Grammy Award, record-breaking album sales, a number of successful movie soundtracks, a gargantuan, international fanbase, and so on. And yet, lurking in the underground of American culture was a large and loud cohort of people who were convinced she was the epitome of everything wrong with mainstream culture.

On this episode of The Skip Button, I try to get to the bottom of why she was public enemy #1 to so many people, and whether or not those people were onto something. Along the way, I ask questions like:

Is Céline's music really as cheesy as people say? Is a killer vocal enough to make a song good? And how many French words can Ben butcher over the course of a single hour?


Read Chris Hanna's article on Céline here.

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"Let's Talk About Love" by Carl Wilson:

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