Risk It For The Biscuit: Why Do People Hate Limp Bizkit?

In recent months, Nü Metal band Limp Bizkit has received something of a reappraisal: "Woodstock 99: Peace, Love, and Rage", a documentary on HBO, highlighted their role in the carnage that was Woodstock 99, they went viral for their recent appearance at Lollapalooza, and they just released a new album. Despite the fact that they were one of the highest-selling and most influential bands of the late '90s, people have always gone after the band for being "immature", "talentless", and "violent". The question is, is any of that true, and does any of it matter? In this episode, I speak with friends and journalists to get to the bottom of where all the hate for  Limp Bizkit comes from. Along the way, I ask questions like:

Why do even Nü Metal lovers hate Limp Bizkit? Are dumb, stupid cultural projects important? And would you, dear listener, risk it for the biscuit?


Follow Magdalene Taylor: twitter.com/magdajtaylor

Mel Magazine's Nü Metal Article: melmagazine.com/en-us/story/nu-metal-tried-to-warn-us-about-male-rage-but-instead-we-laughed-at-their-masks

Follow Miranda Reinert: twitter.com/mirandareinert

Miranda's Newsletter: mirandareinert.com/

Endless Scroll: open.spotify.com/show/002BZK0oGRZhDfFDjUoqcM?si=WOWBBX_oTsGKcZUSSOFo2Q

Justin Rubenstein's Comedy: www.youtube.com/channel/UCU0EoQzkNZKS01-bpIzcdlQ


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